
Reaching better levels of productivity!

The Set back

    There are many ways you could get distracted in a week, month or day. Lose distraction of what you ask? Well your focus for your goals. Build rhythm to what you want to accomplish before a certain due date you set. Many involve waking up with the same daily routine. I don’t blame you, I would wake up and go striaght to my phone. According to one of the studies (HOW MUCH TIME DO WE SPEND ON SOCIAL MEDIA?). we spend about an hour and a half on multiple social media sites, some to mention Facebook, youtube, snapchat, TikTok etc… 

     For some, phones might not be the only problem. For some, it has to do a lot with how we wake up, like do we set the alarm on snooze every 30 minutes do we wake up and watch tv. Then we continue with our day working 8 hours, get off of work, and lay back and watch TV or back on a regular routine. Maybe you have bad habits, to name a few: drugs, alcohol, social media, partying every night in your 20’s and 30’s. All of these distractions I like to call setbacks. From the time we wake up to the time we go to sleep we have the opportunity to hack our minds and reach our full potential to be productive. Let me tell you how!

Breaking the Norm

   To reach your full potential to be productive and make a change in your life you got to practice to see results. Think of it like a sport or driving. It’s all about practice to get better. This Type of practice requires sacrifice to your daily routine or adjusting it. We start off first with the morning if you want to be more productive in the morning and get things done.

   Create a plan, write it down to have it more engraved into your mindset. This plan will ensure you do at least one thing on your list that day to make a difference. Remember one day at a time don’t stress yourself to complete everything on that list. It takes about 30 days. Make an effort to wake up earlier and after work to be more productive. This will allow you to get closer to your dreams and goals.

Eliminate your Distractions!

       Choose the right Crowd

  After you have created a plan of what your week consists of, it’s time to break down the distractions that get in the way. By Distractions, I mean literally anything that drives off your goal or drives off your focus. So let’s break it down with the crowd you hang around with, If the friends around you are not pushing you or inspiring you to do better then you need to be aware of the problems right in front of you and around you. If you are always partying and drinking, that’s also a distraction.


  Drinking Alcohol might loosen you up for a night out with friends for a good time which is fine. But continue down that path every weekend Friday through Sunday you will never reach the goals you want to accomplish short term or long term! According to MadHav University: The Word “Alcohol” comes from Arabic “Al-Kuhi” Which means “body eating spirit” and gives root origins to the English term “Ghoul”.

By consuming alcohol affects and drains your spiritual energy allowing your body to be more attracted to bad entities lowering your frequency lower to be lazier getting a hangover and wasting your day recovering.

  Social Media and Electrical Devices

 As you all know social media could be very time-consuming from the time you wake up. So eliminate going to sleep on social media and place it on your table, make it a habit. That way when you wake up you go straight to the shower get ready then check for emails instead of social media platforms. Also, avoid sleeping next to your phone. According to ABC news Sleeping next to your Cell Phone could be Hazardous to your health!  One reason is that Cellphones and other gadgets give off what’s called a Blue light- a type. Studies have shown that it could inhibit the production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin and disrupt our circadian rhythms. Which these lights are similar to daylight which could trick your body into thinking that it is daytime.

Relieve Stress

 We’ve all been through stress and the effects it has on us and makes us not want to do nothing but lay back and watch tv, or drink a beer to relax, or smoke some weed. But in reality, all that does is pull you away further from the goals you want to accomplish. Well, there are better and positive solutions than just kicking back.


   One thing to do to relieve stress is workout, whether it is lifting weights or going for a run. This will provide mental clarity and also organize your thoughts on what you need to focus on.

  Picking up new Hobbies

  Picking up new hobbies is another solution, The reason for picking up a new hobby is important is it picks up your productivity and takes the stress and things off your mind from your 9-5 Job.

These are just some ways to increase your productivity to reach your short term goals and long term goals. All in All, be a better person on a daily and remember one day at a time to reach your dreams!

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